425 N. Whisman Rd
Mountain View, California 94043

Workshop Series: Why Didn't They Hire You?
Now you can learn the latest secrets to Getting a Job.

Workshops 1,2,3,
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Location: Clocktower Coffee Conference Center
425 N. Whisman Ave., Suite 700
Mountain View, CA 94040

Job hunt techniques have recently undergone significant paradigm shifts; 60% of business professionals use LinkedIn but only 10% know how to exploit it. Do you know how to use LindedIn's extensive database to locate, research, and contact employers? Do you know how to write an effective profile that stands out? What are leaders in your industry saying? Attend these workshops and learn the latest techniques on how to get yourself hired now!

Who Should Attend
Job seekers who want to:
Create LinkedIn profiles that stand out and get you results
Use Facebook for your maximum professional advantage
Evaluate and use other Web 2.0 tools to increase your chances of landing the job you want.

WORKSHOP 1: LinkedIn and Beyond: Building Your Job Hunt Strategy with LinkedIn and Facebook. (Limit: 22 per class)
WORKSHOP 2: Blockbuster Profiles: Write One That Will Have Recruiters Calling You. (Limit: 22 per class)
WORKSHOP 3: I'm on LinkedIn: Now What? Get the Next Steps to Success. (Limit: 22 per class)
WORKSHOP 4: Special Advanced Web 2.0 Tools and Techniques: Get an Extra Edge on Your Job Hunt. (Limit: 3 per session) freebook

WORKSHOP; DATES & LOCATIONS Call 877-JOBS-417 for details
Nov 19 Mountain View, Wednesday, 7:30 - 4PM
DEC 3 Pleasant Hill, 1,2,3
DEC 4, Novato, 1,2,3
DEC 10 Sacramento 1,2,3

Where and When workshops 1,2,3,4 see Acteva.com

Note: Workshop 4 limit is 3 /session will be scheduled to accommodate participants' schedules.

FOR MORE DETAILS: Online Event Registration and Payment Solution - Acteva.com or email sales1@douglas-partners.com

$48 (Workshop I) - $384 (all workshops)

Official Website: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=170876

Added by FullCalendar on November 14, 2008

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