Features a presentation by Ray McGovern, who was a CIA analyst for 27 years. He returned his CIA “Intelligence Commendation Award” medallion in 2006 saying “ I do not wish to be associated with torture.” He co-founded Veteran Intelligence Professionals for sanity.
Plus: Jon Eisenberg, the lawyer representing the plaintiffs in the famous warrantless wiretapping case Al-Haramain v. Bush.
Music: Carrie Gerendasy, “her singing is topical, relevant, downright gorgeous”
Updates on torture accountability campaigns: SF National Lawyers Guild Committee against Torture, Amnesty International, CODEPINK, PDA, Veterans for Peace.
Film clips from “Torturing Democracy”.
Contact: 510-333-6097
Co-sponsored by CODEPINK & BFUU Social Justice Ctee
$5-$10 donation
Wheelchair accessible
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Added by benburch666 on June 14, 2009