4033 SW Canyon Road
Portland, Oregon

Early registration ends August 8!
On-line registration http://wfi.worldforestrycenter.org/wwotf4/
After more than a decade of forestland sales from vertically integrated forestry firms to TIMOs and REITs, the separation of forest assets from mills is nearly complete in the U.S. So, what's next for the ever-evolving state of forestland investing?
Are forestland returns sustainable or is there a bubble? What regulatory challenges loom for this growing investment sector? Which regions of the world offer opportunities and risk? What other "new" timberland values have emerged? What are investors demanding in terms of socially conscious investing? Have conservation values been achieved? Please join us for our fourth installment of our continuing discussion on the drivers, trends, and impacts of forestland investing and shifting forest ownership.
There are other events, but only one "Who Will Own the Forest" Summit.
American AgCredit
Banc of America Securities
The Campbell Group
Forest Capital Partners
Forest Investment Associates
Global Forest Partners
GMO Renewable Resources
Green Diamond Resource Company
GreenWood Resources
Hancock Timber Resource Group
ImageTree Corporation
John Hancock Bond and Corporate Finance Group
Metlife Timberland Finance Group
Molpus Woodlands Group
Northwest Farm Credit Services
Olympic Resource Management
Port Blakely Tree Farms
Realty Marketing Northwest
Resource Management Service
Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt
Siegrist & Company
Starker Forests
Stoel Rives
Timberland Investment Resources
US Bank
Verrill Dana

In cooperation with University of Georgia's Center for Forest Business
View agenda, and register, on-line at http://wfi.worldforestrycenter.org/wwotf4/agenda.html
To Register by phone, call Michelle Docy Tel: 503-226-4562 Fax: 503-226-2515

For inquiries about sponsorships or speaking, call Sara Wu Tel: 503-488-2130 or email swu@worldforestry.org

Added by slozito on July 3, 2008