The Moth believes that everyone has a story.
The Moth created StorySLAM to give those stories a forum.
Since 2001, the raucous, moving, funny and wild quilt of themed stories that emerge during each SLAM has kept the crowds coming back again and again. StorySLAM provides a stage and a microphone, a theme to inspire and shape the evening, a lively and supportive audience, and a host to guide the festivities. Stories are limited to five minutes, and 10 stories are heard. The stories are scored by three teams of audience-member judges, and a winner is announced at every SLAM.
Then the SLAM winners face off in the Semi-annual Moth GrandSLAM.
That time has come.
Who will be crowned the next GrandSLAM Champion?
Hosted by McSweeney’s humorist Dan Kennedy
Tickets are $15 – for tickets, call Comix at 212-524-2500 or visit
Official Website:
Added by nikjc on November 13, 2007