Doors: 7pm
"In conversation": 8pm
Tickets £5/£3 concessions
For one night only, greenroom’s performance space plays host to Karen McBride, recognised as one of the most notable female music photographers in Manchester. Karen opens her portfolio and her heart in her first ever city centre exhibition and talks about her work with John Robb, Manchester based musician, journalist and commentator.
An ‘In Conversation’ with John Robb will reveal why she resisted the draw to be London based, as many photographers are and her belief in that being based in Manchester is not only a focus for her inspiration but makes excellent business sense as a creative person.
A master of both iconic black and white images and thrillingly vibrant colour, she’s a virtuoso of her craft with the ability to step back and wait for that alternative angle, rather than going for the obvious shot.
Official Website:
Added by bitrot on September 22, 2007