White Table work is a session in the Alan Kardec, Spiritist tradition to explore our connection to the spirit realm, develop our mediumship capacities, and offer charity to those in need. This work is in benefit to the center and in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe Feast Day.
Luzia was born Jewish, raised a Humanist and has practiced Buddhist meditation most of her life. She has participated in Native American ceremonies for 20 years and been a follower of Mother Ammachi for 17 years. In 1987 she was enchanted by the Queen of the Forest and initiated into the church of the Santo Daime in 1989. She has lived extensively in Brazilian rainforest and studied and practiced herbal medicine, energetic healing,spirit work, mediumship, and sacraments. Y
Luzia is also educated in the western traditions as psychotherapist and has practiced for 26 years.
You Must wear white for this work. You Must RSVP!
Official Website: http://www.dancinglightschool.org
Added by Dr.Debrasavitt on December 7, 2008