4015 Normandy Ave.
Dallas, Texas 75205

White Rock Local Market will present The Birds and Bees Workshops and Love Your Farmer Day on Saturday, Nov. 3 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. at First Unitarian Church of Dallas, 4015 Normandy Ave. in Dallas and at Fruth Farms Southwest in Cash.

A workshop on raising chickens and bees, and a workshop on humane chicken processing, will be followed by an opportunity to help out at Fruth Farms Southwest. The workshops each have a fee, but the Love Your Farmer Day is free.

For more information, call 214-797-4989. To register, go to http://www.dallasuu.org/ProgramScroller/11-3-birds-and-the-bees.html

Part I

Workshop Backyard Chickens and Urban Beekeeping

Time 9am – 12pm

Cost $60 or $30 for Unitarian Church and White Rock Local Market members, includes snacks

Register http://www.dallasuu.org/ProgramScroller/11-3- birds-and-the-bees.html

Location First Unitarian Church of Dallas

• Learn all you need to know to raise urban chickens: how to choose a breed, raise chicks, all about hen nutrition, egg production, coop maintenance and other details about daily chicken care. Instructor – Caroline Fruth from Fruth Farms Southwest
• Where will your hens live? Learn to make the best chicken coop – a Poulet Chalet? Bed and Breakfast for your flock? Or just a basic coop – we’ll have examples, plans and instructions for all of your backyard coop needs, including how to build for a small flock or a small space, with protection from predators and all the features a chicken needs. Instructor – Bob Richie from The Custom Coop Company
• Why keep bees? Bob Richie continues with a presentation on back yard beekeeping and the science of bees and our urban environment. This workshop will teach you all about the supplies needed, and how to start and manage a hive.

Part II

Workshop Processing Your Own Chicken

Location Fruth Farms Southwest in Cash, Texas

Time 1pm – 2:30pm

Cost $30 all participants, includes lunch

Register http://www.dallasuu.org/ProgramScroller/11-3- birds-and-the-bees.html

• Ever wondered how a chicken gets from the coop to your plate? Learn the humane way to process a chicken and join us for a visit to Fruth Farms Southwest for a demo and class on how to process your own chicken - participants will caravan to the farm in Cash, Texas, after lunch at the Unitarian Church. Instructor - Caroline Fruth.

Part III

Volunteer Love Your Farmer Day

Location Fruth Farms Southwest in Cash, Texas

Time 1pm – 4pm

Cost Free

Register http://www.dallasuu.org/ProgramScroller/11-3- birds-and-the-bees.html

• Workshop participants as well as anyone else who is interested can volunteer at Fruth Farms for a variety of fun and educational activities. Bring some great experience and knowledge home to your own kitchens and gardens by helping out on the farm. Work on preparing the crops for next season; build a shelter in the goat paddock, help vaccinate the baby goats and more.

About White Rock Local Market

White Rock Local Market is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our mission is to ‪strengthen the local food economy and create awareness of the social, environmental, and health benefits of growing and eating local food. ‬

WRLM believes that small, local farms are essential to the local economy. We also believe that shared urban gardens can have an effect on local nutrition and can create jobs. We are committed to making economic and educational relationships between Dallas area residents and local growers. Our markets are the 2nd and 4th Saturday monthly, serving many hundreds of local residents. See http://www.whiterocklocalmarket.com for more information or call 214-797-4989.

Join WRLM on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/groups/whiterocklocalmarket/
Join WRLM on Twitter http://twitter.com/ #!/WRLocalMarket

For press information:
Lisa Taylor, 214-914-1099

Added by lisatmp on October 28, 2012

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