White Rock Local Market continues its fifth season of markets in November with its Everything Market and Fall Pie Contest on Saturday, Nov. 10 and its Farmers, Growers and Artisan Foods on Saturday, Nov. 17 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Green Spot Market and Fuels, 702 N. Buckner Blvd. in East Dallas. The markets are free. See http://www.whiterocklocalmarket.com for more information or call 214-797-4989. For a complete list of vendors go here: http://www.whiterocklocalmarket.com/vendors.html
WRLM launched its first ever membership program that allows customers to support WRLM. Member benefits range from discounts at area businesses, to a custom-shopping tote designed by Dallas' Banner Theory, to exclusive WRLM workshops and farm tours - and more!
White Rock Local Market is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our mission is to strengthen the local food economy and create awareness of the social, environmental, and health benefits of growing and eating local food.
WRLM believes that small, local farms are essential to the local economy. We also believe that shared urban gardens can have an effect on local nutrition and can create jobs. We are committed to making economic and educational relationships between Dallas area residents and local growers. Our markets are the 2nd and 4th Saturday monthly, serving many hundreds of local residents.
Official Website: http://www.whiterocklocalmarket.com
Added by lisatmp on October 28, 2012