Alta Lake Waterfront
Whistler, British Columbia V0N 1B4

Do we know what we want to say in our paintings before engaging in the process? Are we aware of why we are drawn to a particular subject or reference material? We will focus on moving into the painting process with a clear concept of what we want to say in the finished piece. Other considerations may include thoughts, symbols and emotions connected to what we express in our work. Attention will be given to a greater awareness of visual relationships, including line, shape, composition and design, edges, colour relationships, light structure and passage, and texture or surface qualities. Oils and/or acrylics may be used in this workshop. Workshop participants are encouraged to paint in there own style or chosen direction. Bring your own photo references and/or sketches and studies, but do not bring calendar images or magazine photos. Registration and info: 604-935-8232, and

Official Website:

Added by whistlerartscouncil on May 28, 2009