Jun 14 (Sun) - Whispering Lake Grove Summer Solstice Celebration (Brushwood Folklore Center, 8881 Bailey Hill Rd, Sherman NY 14781) 1:30 PM. Please plan to join the Druids of Whispering Lake Grove, ADF as we celebrate the Summer Solstice in Vedic tradition in the ADF Nemeton at the Brushwood Folklore Center in Sherman, NY on Sunday, June 14th with the ritual briefing beginning at 1:30PM. For driving directions please visit the Brushwood website at: http://www.brushwood.com/home.htm
A few details regarding the celebration:
We will be holding an ADF ritual in Vedic tradition in honor of Agni, the Vedic God who literally is fire. All guests are welcome to plan an offering for Agni in the form of poetry, song, stories or a physical offering to be given during the ritual. Note: if you plan to bring a physical offering to Agni, please make certain it is burnable.
Following the event we will be having a simple picnic style potluck (sandwiches, chips, things that don't require cooking etc).
For additional information regarding this event, please don't hesitate to contact me directly at: carrionmann@aol.com. Check out the Whispering Lake Grove web site at http://www.whisperinglakegrove.org
Official Website: http://www.whisperinglakegrove.org
Added by EriePAGuy on June 10, 2009