Whiskey Island
Cleveland, Ohio

Sponsored by the Friends of Whiskey Island and the Northeast Ohio Sierra Club
2:00 - 3:00 PM: Take a self-guided walking tour of Wendy Park to the River Boardwalk. Come and celebrate the beginning of Cleveland's waterfront renaissance! This year the county commissioners and the mayor confirmed that Whiskey Island will remain open to the public for recreational, cultural and boating purposes. There is no longer a threat of port authority development on the county's public property. Explore and experience where our American Heritage River greets our Great Lake. Bring picnics, kayaks, volleyballs, cameras, binoculars and feel free to stay for the sunset.
3:00 – 4:00 PM: Gather at the River Boardwalk to hear Paul Alsenas, Director of the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission, and other speakers. Discussion topics include the Cuyahoga River and Lake Erie, the restoration of the Whiskey Island parkland and beach, the future of the historic Coast Guard Station and Hulett Ore Unloaders, and extending the 110-mile Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail to Whiskey Island…
Meet at Wendy Park- West Shoreway (Rt. 2) to the Edgewater Park/Whiskey Island exit, take a right turn at the first road and follow signs.
Contact Ed Hauser at ejhauser@ameritech.net or (216) 651-3476. Visit www.citizensvision.org and www.ohio.sierraclub.org/northeast.
Cuyahoga County Commissioners and Mayor Jackson Agree on the Future of Whiskey Island
After nine-years of debate, the county commissioners and the mayor have finally agreed on plans for Whiskey Island. They have "signed off" on the future plans of our Whiskey Island waterfront assets. Two years ago, the Cleveland Metroparks commissioners stated that the Metroparks will take control of the property when the Ohio & Erie Towpath Trail is completed to the Lake Erie waterfront at Whiskey Island.
Everyone agrees that the county’s parkland and marina along with the city’s historic Coast Guard Station should remain treasured public attractions for recreational, cultural and boating purposes. It’s time for these government entities to memorialize their intentions in writing with a Memorandum of Understanding and a Land Use Easement. This will assure the citizens of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, and Ohio that our Whiskey Island waterfront attractions will be held in trust for us, in perpetuity.
On April 19th, the county commissioners agreed to write a letter to ask the City of Cleveland and the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority to join the county to petition the Cleveland Metroparks Commissioners to acquire the county’s Whiskey Island properties. The county’s properties include Wendy Park, a 20-acre parkland, and Whiskey Island Marina, a 10-acre 500 recreational boat public access marina.
Other RiverDay 2007 Events and Information: www.cuyahogariver.net or call 216-651-3476
Information on upcoming programs and events regarding the Cuyahoga River and Whiskey Island:
Health of the Cuyahoga River: Monday, May 21 at 9am- WCPN 90.3 FM- www.wcpn.org
Play Until Dark- Whiskey Island: Saturday, June 30- www.wendyparkfoundation.org
Burning River Fest- Whiskey Island: Saturday, August 11- www.burningriverfest.org

Official Website: http://www.cuyahogariver.net/riverday.htm

Added by timferris on May 19, 2007