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Which Way Forward?
Direct Action, Electoral Politics, and Other Paths
to Progressive Change in America
WED, FEB 15, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
A public forum presented by
The San Francisco 99% Coalition
Inspired by the nationwide and international Occupy movement, this program will explore how activists can devise effective strategies to bring about a more just, peaceful and humane society.
ROCKY ANDERSON, Justice Party candidate for US President.
MARGARET FLOWERS, Physicians for a National Health Program, Occupy-Washington DC.
TOM GALLAGHER, Progressive Democrats of America-SF, former Mass. State Representative.
DAVE WELSH, SF Labor Council, US Labor Against the War, ILWU Longview port support.
Moderated by ROSE AGUILAR, host of KALW’s “Your Call.”
Question and Answer session will follow the panel discussion.
More on this event and to order tickets on-line:
Tickets also available at the door.
Admission: $10 (nobody turned away for lack of funds)
Wheelchair accessible.
Sponsored by the SF99% Coalition.
“The purpose of the SF99% Coalition is to work in coalition with and offer support to groups which promote nonviolent advocacy for more equitable social, economic and environmental public policies.”
Official Website: http://tinyurl.com/884qgtp
Added by mlyon01 on January 22, 2012