Building 943, Eagle Room
Mountain View, California 94043

We are part of a generation that will do something that no previous generation could do, and no future generation will have to: transform our solar system from a barely known frontier into familiar territory, both mapped and explored. In this, we are like the Spaniards at the beginning of the 16th century. Within four decades, they went from discovering America to colonizing its shores. We will do the same for our solar system, but what does that bode for Homo sapiens? Will discovery and cartography soon give way to colonization and exploitation? In his talk, Dr. Shostak will discuss the possibilities of 21st century forays into the nearby realms of space.

Dr. Shostak is Senior Astronomer at the SETI Institute. He is a frequent presenter of the Institute's work in the media and through lectures. He hosts SETI's weekly radio show, "Are We Alone?", where readily translates the most complex scientific discoveries into terms accessible to the non-scientist. His technical expertise, quick wit, and engaging personality make him a sought-after speaker and writer.

This event is a kick-off celebration for the SpaceWorld/NASA agreement to create SpaceWorld at NASA. There will be a tour of the NASA Exploration Center, which will be totally redesigned for SpaceWorld at NASA, a state-of-the-art, hands-on, interactive learning center to inspire the next generation of space explorers.

When it is completed, SpaceWorld will be the most exciting place on the planet to experience the thrill of space exploration. It will also be a dramatic and compelling place for students to learn about science, math, and engineering -- the workforce skills essential to America's high-tech future.


Phone: 650-604-3171

About SpaceWorld at NASA:
SpaceWorld at NASA represents the realization of a long-held dream of NASA and the SpaceWorld Foundation for a state-of-the-art, hands-on, interactive learning center to inspire the next generation of space explorers.

Added by FullCalendar on March 10, 2006

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