Link Apartments Manchester Announces Multi-Media Contest
We're Offering Up To $1k In Cash Prizes to Winners
Manchester is known around Richmond as the Art District. It's full of studios, galleries, offices, and the like. Some of Richmond's best artists do their work on this side of town. We thought it'd be only fitting to celebrate our moving to Manchester with an art contest that focuses on this incredible neighborhood. Since this part of town has had a very interesting, and occasionally difficult history, we expect that you will have some incredible, creative insight into the neighborhood and its role in the overall Richmond community. As a developing area that is home to Richmond's creatives, techies, and entrepreneurs, we feel that Manchester as viewed by you, the community, is a perfect theme for the contest which is titled, "What's Your Manchester?".
Link Apartments Manchester wants to know what local Richmonders think about the Manchester district, how they see its future and past, and what this part of town represents to them. We're even going to shell out $1000 for first prize, $500 for second place, and $250 for third. So, have we piqued your interest yet?
What's Your Manchester? Contest Details
This project is open to professionals and amateurs alike. We're looking for videos, stories, pictures, paintings, songs, and multimedia pieces. We do require that you be a Richmond resident or have lived in Richmond in the past. Employees of Grubb Properties and Yellow Duck Marketing are not eligible.
The deadline for entering the contest is extended to September 15th, 2012. The full rules and guidelines, including information regarding formatting requirements, may be accessed below.
The Winners
All participants will be invited to our award party that will take place at Legend Brewery following the close of the contest. There we will announce winners, award prizes, and revel in your collective creative genius. Best of luck to all our participants! We can't wait to see your work.
Official Website:
Added by Link Apartments Manchester on August 8, 2012