Future of Music Coalition — a national non-profit that seeks a bright future for creators and listeners — is presenting an information-packed forum for musicians, indie labels and fans in Chicago this fall.
“What’s the Future for Musicians?” features up-close presentations on a range of internet-based promotion and distribution options, how to navigate the health insurance landscape, the importance of open internet structures, local funding opportunities for artists and how copyright law and business models affect musician compensation.
There will also be special conversations featuring prominent music minds, breakout sessions, and everybody’s favorite — a cocktail party. It’s a great chance to get the latest music-tech-policy scoop, interact with the experts and network with other musicians, labels and fans.
“What’s the Future for Musicians?” takes place on Monday September 22 at the Old Town School of Folk Music.
Admission to the event is $25, though a limited number of musician scholarships are also available. Space is limited so register today!
What’s the Future for Musicians: Chicago
Monday, September 22, 2008
12:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Old Town School of Folk Music, Chicago, IL
Register: https://www.futureofmusic.org/events/chicago08/regform.cfm
Apply for a scholarship: http://www.futureofmusic.org/events/chicago08/scholarships.cfm
Press credentialing: http://www.futureofmusic.org/events/chicago08/press.cfm
Help us spread the word: http://www.futureofmusic.org/events/chicago08/outreach.cfm
Official Website: http://www.futureofmusic.org/events/chicago08/
Added by FMC Calendar on August 20, 2008