105 S. 49th Street (49th & Douglas) Hilltop Offices
Omaha, Nebraska 68132

We can help teens effectively talk about race and improve race relationships.
The youth of today are facing many challenges and issues of race and identity are among them. It is a dis-service to our youth to not equip them with the skills to deal with and talk about race related issues. We can no longer afford to believe that race does not play a part in the recent waves of violence or bullying in our community. Often times these acts are the result of fear of differences. It is critical that we give our youth the tools they need to be educated, aware and sensitive to the issues of race and racism.
Through the use of a ground-breaking film, What's Race Got to Do with It and skillful facilitation you can learn how to effectively help teens talk about race and foster positive race relations in your community and schools.
4 hour Workshop Agenda
1:00-5:00 PM

* Film Viewing
* Dialogue Session
* Strategies for Educators and Youth Professionals
* Implementing Diversity Initiatives in Your System

4 Diversity CEU's Available
This workshop is perfect for your staff development training needs. Contact me to schedule this for your school or youth program.

Official Website: http://raceteentalks.eventbrite.com/

Added by Eventbrite Tawnee events on September 26, 2008