(Free Intro: Wed Jan 6 12:30-1:30pm & Jan 11 2-3pm PT) Program: 2-4pm PT, Jan 19 & 26, Feb 2, 9, 16 & 23
If you want to learn how to have your cake and eat it - how to design your life so that you take care of your day-to-day needs without sentencing yourself to life imprisonment in a job or role that is barely tolerable then register for 'What's Next?'
This 12-hr coaching intensive is designed to show you, not just tell you, how to create a life-path strategy that will enable you to both survive and thrive in the medium- and long-term. But, more importantly, it will show you exactly what you need to do to start to shift your course and lay down the tracks to that future right now.
What you will learn from 'What's Next?':
Discover the missing 'key' that each of us unwittingly carries within us, and which lies, undiscovered, by most.
Understand the price you have paid for not discovering this key up till now.
Learn how to use your key to unlock your Thrival life strategy, with all of the passion, peace and satisfaction that comes with it.
Realize that you were not in possession of the toolkit required to solve the puzzle before you and absolve yourself of any blame you may be harboring about your current situation.
Use a 'whole-brain' leadership toolkit to birth a medium- and long-term life strategy designed to put food on the table and generate greater satisfaction, fulfillment and peace.
Understand your trained-in tendency to use left-brain functions for right-brain problems and learn to recognize when you are using the wrong tool for the job.
Follow a process that will radically upgrade your critical thinking skills, reduce the amount of time it takes for you to reach a decision, enable you to trust your decisions and detach from the 'lazy Susan' mind-spin that has you revisit decisions over and over again.
Learn a foolproof process that you can repeat in the future to enable you to keep the strategy you have created current, real and enlivening.
Register for a free intro http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2691958721
Official Website: http://www.execgame.com/whats-next-program.html
Added by FullCalendar on January 4, 2012