Presented by the Portland Culinary Alliance and
Ecotrust Food & Farms
Oregon has become the first state in the nation with a full-time farm to school coordinator in both the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Education, demonstrating our commitment to farm to school and school garden efforts.
How has Oregon become the national model for crafting solutions that result in healthier children and a healthier agricultural economy? What’s in store for the future?
Join us on April 13 for a conversation with key leaders. Cory Schreiber, the first Farm to School Coordinator within the Department of Agriculture, is working with Oregon farmers, food processors and manufacturers to feed school kids the best available food.
Joyce Dougherty, Director of Child Nutrition Programs for the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), will discuss the Farm to School and School Garden Program recently created within ODE.
We’ll also hear from Michelle Ratcliffe of Ecotrust’s Food & Farms program about the broad community support for farm to school and school garden programs statewide and regionally.
Join us in discussing the future of farm to school
Five years from now, what will be served in our lunchrooms and taught in school gardens?
You will have the chance to share your reflections on the past and hopes for the future throughout the afternoon to help guide future farm to school efforts. Artist Eben Dickinson will be on hand to bring the concepts discussed to life.
$7 (PCA members)
$10 (guests and public)
Send checks to
Portland Culinary Alliance
PMB 142
6663 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy
Portland, OR 97225
Added by slozito on April 1, 2008