The San Francisco Bay Area Darfur Coalition
and Act for Sudan
invite you to the Bay Area premier of
Across the Frontlines
Witness the toll of a forgotten genocide.
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Program: Speaker and Film
6:00 pm gather
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Mohamed Suleiman, Darfur Representative
President, San Francisco Bay Area Darfur Coalition
Light snacks provided.
Thursday, September 27th
At the Jewish Community Relations Council
121 Steuart St., San Francisco
Phone: 415.957.1551
About the Film
In June of 2012, an independent American and Sudanese human rights assessment team crossed the border of South Sudan into the war-torn state of South Kordofan, Sudan. While there, they witnessed firsthand the atrocities being committed against the people of the Nuba Mountains by their own government. Despite the horrors, they also witnessed a group of people who refuse to let the Nuban people die in darkness, and a people themselves who refuse to allow themselves to be ruthlessly exterminated.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on September 5, 2012