Møllendalsveien 46 A 5009
Bergen, Hordaland Fylke 5054

Starting in January, we will be showing a variety of works in our shop window facing Ibsensgate.
The goal with this exhibition is to show a variety of expressions, reflecting the interdisciplinary and experimental spirit of Wrap Arts Centre.
A new work will be presented every month.
If you would like to show your work for Ibsengates pedestrians, cyclists and car-drivers, please do the following:
Send a project description to: wrap@hdu.no and a general description of your aims and goals as an artist.
The length of the shop window is 1.60 m, the width is 2.69 m, the depth is 0, 34 m.
Artists from all fields are welcome, whether it is a more documentary based project (for instance from a performance or film) a work in progress, an interdisciplinary project, a text based project, a more political project, old work, new work, painting, photo, installation or other. As long as it works for you in a shop window!
The economical framework conserning materials and pay to the participating artist is not yet settled. This information will be posted as soon as this is confirmed.

Official Website: http://wrap.hdu.no

Added by History Disposal Unit on November 21, 2007