124 E. Boca Raton Road
Boca Raton, Florida

According to eMarketer, 39% of marketers are not satisfied with their conversion rates. The Fireclick index at about the same time as the eMarketer article showed keyword & email conversion rates of 4.00% and 3.10% respectively. There are many marketers today that have successfully re-calibrated the notion of what’s normal. For them, normal is now 12% instead of 4%. Normal should be 3X today’s ‘averages’. It’s doable. And doing it changes the game.

Join us on Wednesday, February 3rd at 1 PM ET for our exclusive webinar, “What the CMO Needs to Know About Landing Page Optimization", and learn how your organization can triple its return on advertising spend and reduce cost-per-acquisition with an effective landing page program.

In this 30-minute webinar, exclusively for marketing executives, we’ll reveal:

-Why effective landing pages can win you more customers than your competition
-How to build your online marketing dream team: get the right players in the right roles
-How to build an effective landing page practice in your online marketing team
-How Bronto Software multiplied their conversions from 2% to 18%, and experienced a 284% growth rate over the past 3 years
-How American Greetings reduced it’s cost-per-acquisition by 20%
-How Citrix Systems improved campaign performance as much as 2500% by creating campaign specific pages
-And much more!

Don’t miss out. Register now!

Official Website: http://www.ioninteractive.com/events/2010/2/3/what-the-cmo-needs-to-know-about-landing-page-optimization.html

Added by ion_interactive on January 13, 2010

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