What Teens Want, hosted by Adweek, Brandweek, Mediaweek, Billboard and The Hollywood Reporter, is the definitive marketing summit to learn how to target today’s trendsetting teens through social networking, cause branding, mobile/digital technology, fashion, music, movies, sports and video games. Join over 300 marketing, agency, media and retail executives and business managers at this 6th annual event.
Top 5 Reasons To Attend:
--Discover how to use social networking and other online marketing tools to build a big buzz about your brands on a small budget
--Hear exclusive research from Nielsen Mobile and The N/The MTVN Kids & Family Group
--Learn how to anticipate major market trends in order to keep your brands relevant to teen consumers
--Get straight answers to your questions from a live panel of teen boys and girls
--Connect with leading brand and agency experts at the MarTEENi Networking Reception
For the complete agenda and to register, please visit www.whatteenswant.com
Official Website: http://www.whatteenswant.com
Added by melissa49 on May 9, 2008