New Media Cincinnati began in October 2007 as a simple meetup group of people in the Cincinnati, Dayton, and Northern Kentucky areas who were passionate about new and social media technologies like blogging, podcasting, Twitter, etc.
The group consists of people who are using new and social media for a living, but also includes people who are simply involved as a hobby. Anyone interested in learning more about these technologies and in connecting with others is welcome to attend. New Media Cincinnati has become, as one attendee remarked, "the premiere social networking event in the Greater Cincinnati area."
People who come to New Media Cincinnati Second Saturdays
Connecting at New Media Cincinnati Second Saturdays has led to new business and employment for some.
Join us for the July 11th New Media Cincinnati Second Saturday from 4 pm until 7 pm at The Pub Rookwood Mews:
What I Learned from Podcamp Ohio 2
The theme for this month is "What I Learned from Podcamp Ohio 2." Many of us attended Podcamp Ohio 2 in Columbus on June 20, 2009; some who weren't able to make it followed the conversations online through Twitter and elsewhere. As you come to this month's Second Saturday event, please think of at least one take-away from Podcamp Ohio 2 that you can share with the rest of the group.
This discussion will last for about 30 minutes, and afterward, we'll continue the open networking that we all enjoy.
Planning Conference Call
If you haven't already, you may want to listen to the recent planning conference call we had on July 2nd. Thanks again to all who participated and shared their thoughts. It was a great discussion!
Create and Share Content
The strength of this group comes from everyone's participation. The more you share about the group online and in-person with others, the wider reach this group will have.
To that end, unless otherwise specified, New Media Cincinnati events and content therein are licensed under Creative Commons to promote the sharing and distribution of new media content.
In other words, please
Participating in the event means that you understand that your image and voice may be captured and used for non-commercial use.
Twitter for Late-Breaking News
Speaking of Twitter, for all last-minute updates on the day of the event, please follow us on Twitter: . In addition, you can also follow me on Twitter:
Alternatively, you can contact
Daniel Johnson, Jr.
Founder, New Media Cincinnati
Official Website:
Added by danieljohnsonjr on July 5, 2009