Series: Feb 18 & Feb 23 (8:00 PM until 9:15 PM)
What can you learn from Lady GaGa and Oprah about personal branding that you can apply to your job search or business expansion?
In today's career marketplace, it is no longer appropriate to "look for a job"; you must learn how to brand yourself in this very competitive marketplace.
Are you the best kept secret in your market? Branding Yourself After Age 50 walks you through the steps taken by corporations and celebrities that have built successful brands and helps you to apply these steps to your personal brand strategy.
Perhaps you took a "buyout" package and now want to start a new business or a new career. Whether you are challenged by design or default with the task of starting over or reinventing yourself, marketing yourself is a critical element to your success.
The webinar will help you answer critical personal branding and career reinvention questions:
* How do you distinguish yourself in your marketplace?
* What can you do to gain visibility for your achievements?
* What is the best way to package your brand?
* Who can help you build your personal brand?
* What are the practical steps you need to take to re-launch yourself as a brand?
* What tools are most helpful for your career transition?
Sign up today!
Marva Goldsmith presented the Branding Yourself After Age 50 workshop at the 2009 National AARP Convention. See participant interview at:
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on February 16, 2010