As recruiting practices are
changing, companies are trying to stay away from large job portals like Monster
and CareerBuilder. In this seminar, you will learn how companies promote their
job openings, screen applicants, and engage applicants in conversations online
before inviting them to interviews.
Workshop Objectives:
Learn how to conduct online research and
prepare for interviews
Establish a
personal online brand that will market you to potential employers
Understand what
it means to create an online recruiter experience
Learn how to
network and communicate online with companies where you want to work
The goal of this class is to understand what recruiters want from job applicants, and how to best get their attention. This class is not about social media, but about social media strategies. Prepare to discuss and share.
Organized by InfoTrust, LLCInfoTrust, LLC is social media and digital marketing agency that helps organizations establish their online brand presence, choose marketing channels to reach their target market, and build viral user communities. InfoTrust offers proven techniques performed by Certified Google Analytics experts to make your site visible and to MEASURE the results of that visibility.We track increases in traffic, calculate your return on investment (ROI), and analyze website activity, determining where visitors came from and which keyphrases were most effective. We continually improve your website based on these measurements to get it to the top of the search engines and to get more visitors to convert as your buyers or prospects.
Ticket Info: Ticket, Free
Official Website: http://socialmediajobsearch-upcoming.eventbrite.com