Ambassador Warren Clark, Executive Director of Churches for Middle East Peace in Washington DC ( will speak on "What We Can Do To Help Bring Peace to the Holy Land?" Ambassador Clark was formerly a career U.S. Foreign Service Officer in the Department of State, serving in the Middle East, Europe, Canada, Africa, and he represented the U.S. on the U.N. Security Council for Middle East and African issues.
Churches for Middle East Peace is a coalition combining the endeavors of Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox Churches to focus advocacy efforts on U.S. policy. CMEP is dedicated to the pursuit of a just and peaceful resolution of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict and to other disputes that affect the region.
The mission of Unitarian Universalists for Peace-SF (UUFP-SF) is to further the principles of world peace, human rights and justice. We focus on U.S. policy as it affects our country and its relationship to other countries.
We host public educational events, organize special advocacy efforts and participate in legislative efforts at the local, state and national levels. We often work in coalition with Bay Area peace and social justice groups, offering an opportunity to meet other group participants and learn from this experience.
The American Friends Service Committee Middle East Program is one of many Bay Area groups working to break the siege of Gaza and to end the occupation. The groundbreaking April Citizen Gaza Hearings are now online at .
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on February 20, 2010