1187 Franklin Street
San Francisco, California 94109

What can we do about the budget cuts?
Jenny Friedenbach, Coalition on Homelessness
Jodi Reid, California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA)
Sponsored by SF Gray Panthers

Tuesday, February 17, 1 PM
Unitarian Universalist Center
1187 Franklin St, SF (at Geary)
Fireside Room

State Republicans say they won’t increase taxes until the State guts the 8-hour day, paid mealtimes, and environmental and other regulations. Democrats passed an illusory budget with horrible cuts for seniors, kids, the poor, and the sick. Schwarzenegger cut a half billion more for seniors.

A large budget coalition had some success last November in unseating legislators who refused to raise revenues, but it has disbanded. CARA’s Jodi Reid believes another coalition will form, with a more forceful approach. Until then, the most important thing is to keep the issue of killer cuts alive. We are in a situation where the actions of smaller groups, like ours, can make a significant difference.

Meanwhile, San Francisco is cutting $112 million in spending now, and for the fiscal year beginning in July, the City’s shortfall is half its disposable income. Newsom is determined to cut public health and human services for seniors, the mentally ill, people with substance disorders, and poor working families, while opposing raising revenues.

Jenny Friedenbach and others say Healthy San Francisco, the City’s universal healthcare program, will be gutted. SF General will eliminate RNs, replace certified with non-certified staff, and move clerks with some clinical training to non-patient areas. New Leaf will cut therapy for 50 gay clients with both mental health and addictive disorders. Hundreds of non-English-speakers in Chinatown and Richmond will lose services and General Hospital may lose competency for half of its Asian languages. Half our acute diversion units, empowering alternatives to confinement for 1,400 mentally ill patients, will close. We need a process for raising more revenue and empowering public input on the priority of services in the City.

Michael Lyon

Official Website: http://graypantherssf.igc.org/09-02-17-gen-meet.htm

Added by mlyon01 on February 7, 2009