Perth, Western Australia

Uncover the fascinating world of OBEs...

People floating above their bodies, a journey through a tunnel, bright lights... these are some of the common out-of-body encounters people have described from near-death experiences. But out-of-body experiences are not just for the seriously ill – have you ever felt a sensation of falling just before waking up? Or felt paralysed while falling asleep? Then you may have had an OBE of a kind...

In this lecture, find out how the afterlife, dreams, near death experiences and astral travel are linked and discover another dimension to life that is veiled in mystery, but accessible to anyone who wishes to explore it, and which has played an important part in humanity’s spiritual destiny since time began. Find out why mystics have valued them throughout history as a means to gain spiritual insight, and the techniques they used to have them. Find out how OBEs occur and uncover the significance they could hold for your life...

To reserve your place, contact us via email at or call 1300 307 332.

The Gnostic Movement

The Gnostic Movement is a non-profit organisation, dedicated to teaching the ancient wisdom of Gnosis freely. The Gnostic Movement - Perth is part of the The Gnostic Movement Australia with centres in Sydney, Melbourne, Geelong, and Brisbane.

Gnosis means 'knowledge' in Greek, and the Gnostic teachings are based on gaining spiritual knowledge - knowledge of who we are, why we are here, and what we can do with our lives.

Through powerful spiritual practices, a person can gain direct experience of the greater mysteries of life, going beyond theories and beliefs, to discover firsthand the path to awakening.

All our courses are provided free of charge, run through donations and by volunteers, as true spiritual knowledge cannot be bought or sold, but is a gift for all people.

Visit for more information about us.

Official Website:

Added by The Gnostic Movement Perth on June 19, 2009