2001 Campus Dr
Durham, North Carolina 27705

The World Premiere of a play by Adam Sobsey

Join Little Green Pig for a blast of surrealist humor and brainy ludicrosity featuring singing cowboys Ezra Pound (Jeffrey Detwiler) & Wyndham Lewis (Tony Perucci) and the Grand Old Nasher Radio Hour Band (Victoria Facelli & Bart Matthews). The wilderness of the enigmatic Vorticist Movement will be trail-blazed and illuminated via down home song stylings and scenes from Shakespeare's Timon of Athens.

Designed by Torry Bend and Rus Hames.

Directed by Jay O’Berski

October 15 & 16, 7pm & October 17, 2pm
$5 Public (Duke Students get in free)
No reservations required!

At the Nasher Museum in support of the “The Vorticists: Rebel Artists in London & New York, 1914-1918”

Made possible by generous support from the Duke University College of Arts & Sciences Collaborative Grant

Added by kdmark2003 on October 9, 2010

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