The landmark 1957 musical 'West Side Story' returns to Broadway in an all-new production directed by Arthur Laurents, the original librettist. The show, which features music by Leonard Bernstein and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, transports Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' to the turbulent streets of the Upper West Side in 1950's New York City. Two star-crossed lovers, Tony and Maria, find themselves caught between the rival street gangs of different ethnic backgrounds, the "Jets" and the "Sharks." In this staging, Laurents has interwoven Spanish throughout certain segments of the book and score. The original Jerome Robbins choreography will be restaged by Tony Award nominee Joey McKneely.
Added by Upcoming Robot on September 12, 2010
It's OpenCoffee so no, but the focus of discussions and people's interests are around new technology, software products and how to make successful businesses out of them.
Having said that, there are some very interesting business models from the music industry that we could all probably learn from in terms of what people value and will pay for.
work deadlines permitting, i'd love to listen and learn. thank you!
Slum Goddess
must one be an entrepreneur, developer and/or investor to attend? i'm neither of those (apart from promo/investor for a band) but i'm v. interested in meeting others in those fields cause i appreciate learning what i can from them.