529 14th Street NW
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia 20045

In this seminar, Forum One will showcase stories from agencies and organizations who have used the Internet to increase the transparency and availability of their content and data.Federal agencies, think tanks, and nonprofit organizations will tell how they planned and implemented internet features that make their work easily shareable, reusable, and re-mixable.Speakers for this event will be announced in the spring of 2009.
Forum One Communications is organizing this session. Multiple
organizations will be presenting. This event is the latest in a series
of web and communications events hosted by Forum One.


8:00-8:10: Registration
8:10-8:30: Welcome and Introductions
8:30-9:45: First Panel: Overview and interactive case study
9:45-10:00: Break
10:00-11:00: Second Panel: Additional case studies, discussion

11:00-12:30: Optional Networking/Socializing/Lunch with presenters (pay as you go)

Price: $90 ($75 before May 7). Space is limited. Fee is fully refundable prior to May 15, not refundable after (but admission is transferable).

For more information, visit www.forumone.com/wes, or contact Andrew Cohen at acohen@forumone.com.

Organized by Forum One Communications
Forum One Communications is a web strategy and development group based in Alexandria, Virginia.

Ticket Info:  
  • Super Early Bird, $51.25
  • Early Bird, $76.88
  • Regular Registration, $92.25
  • Multi-Ticket Discount (3 or more), $61.50

Official Website: http://transparency-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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