Granbery has a year-round recycling drop-off; in fact, this is our 23rd year of involving our students in responsible-stewardship activities. With the start of the new year, we have approx. 200 new students and their families with the majority of them kindergarteners. As a way of encouraging all our families to join us in our stewardship efforts, beginning the first Saturday in October through November 15th we have a special incentive program called 'We're All in This Together'. Each time a student comes to the school's recycling drop-off during this 7-week period, their name is entered into a drawing for 'critter' hand puppets. They also earn a point for their classroom. A drawing is held each successive Monday, with between 4 and 10 names drawn for puppets (number increases with each passing week depending on participation levels). On November 15th, America Recycles Day!, the top 5 participating classes will be awarded cash prizes (from revenues earned by the drop-off); and the TOP 10 student volunteers will be recognized and each given a special, larger puppet.
REPORT: Best 'America Recycles Day! event to date! Over the 7-week special-incentive period, we ended up giving away approximately 120 puppets due to high participation rate. On Tuesday, Nov. 15th--America Recycles Day--our TOP 5 recycling classes became a TOP 6 with first place going to a second-grade class; a tie for second place occuring between a first and 4th grade class; another first-grade class taking 3rd place; a kindergarten class winning 4th; and a third-grade class taking 5th place--so all grade levels were represented in the winner's circle! Our TOP 10 student volunteers became the 'TOP 14' since we had 14 students to recycle every Saturday of the 7-week period; AND also recycled dressed in costume for the pre-Halloween drop-off (double points!) Did send out a press-release prior to the pre-Halloween drop-off, as this would be the most 'colorful' drop-off of the year; but it was not picked up by any of the media.
Weights listed in Report are for the Nov. 12th Saturday drop-off only; so one could really multiply all of the weights reported times 7 to get a better idea of what was accomplished during this special 7-week incentive program.
Official Website:
Added by on December 12, 2011