Wendy Spero's story begins in the one-bedroom, Upper East Side apartment she shared with her overly protective, sex-therapist mother, where, as a little girl, she passed the time gnawing on strawberry-scented erasers, breaking up arguments between her imaginary friends, and being subjected to cut-throat nursery school applications.
Eventually, Wendy broke out on her own -- but continued to be admonished by her mother for not having enough quality orgasms. After a stint of door-to-door knife-selling, she began her first (and last) office job, where formed an unusual relationship with her big-time executive boss -- one that involved as much pot smoking and gold glitter as it did mentoring. Now, a comedian living in L.A., Wendy grapples with such grown-up issues as trying to kick her addiction to eating candy in bed, parenting dozens of high-maintenance stuffed animals, and finally learning how to drive.
(From her new book, _Microthrills_)
Official Website: http://www.wendyspero.com/wendy/performances
Added by tlau on August 16, 2006