3900 W. Manchester Blvd.
Inglewood, California 90305

Added by la-underground on August 5, 2008



Announced on Twitter


am thinking holocene...working with a promoter! :)


don't forget--this is a benefit for sisters of the road cafe!!! oh, maybe i will throw the party at holocene and you should throw the party at wonder?!?! more people--more fun--good times =)


There should be more of these! Yipie Ki Ay! Free at last! And it is said Jeb (brother) will be a shoe in, so watch out for a sneaky way to perpetuate the domination of Bush Marshal law over the land of the free! :D (LI in Florida!) Have a good time! Peace.


So sad that our country will become weaker on January 20th.


G. W. Bush was the worst President we have ever had. He was funny though. Anyone ever see him speaking? I will be there.


Wow! Sounds like rwtik13 voted for Bush both times.

Poison Peanut

Sorry, Jimmy Carter will always be known as the worse President we ever had. Our current economy is substantially than the economy Carter left Reagan. In addition, Carter was spanked by The Ayatollah and brought shame to our Nation for his ineptness. Bush removed a tyrant and despot and created a democracy in the Middle East. We can only hope the Obama doesn't give it all back.


Yes, welcome to the Obamination era. The world ends in 2012, now we know how. The USA elects a under qualified president, who couldn't find his butt with two hands and a map,from the state of IL (no cruption there!), a nation of idiots gets what it deserves.

If Obam could talk an entire sentence without saying Ah-Ah-Ah, I'll die. Sure can tell when he doesn't have a speach prepared.