11 Brighton St.
Belmont, MA 02478, Massachusetts

Zeff Photo Supply and Booth Photographic invite you to an innovative 'Weekend of Lighting' with international photographer Jean Francois O'Kane.


October 29, 2005 (Saturday)
Photographic Big & Small: 10:am - 12:30pm Fee: $69.99 EDU 51325
Jean-Francois O'Kane is back with another interesting seminar! Do you have clients that need to photograph items for eBay, or for insurance claims, such as jewelry, or antique collectible sets? Are you interested in photographing sculpture? Or are you a woodworker who needs to photograph your latest creation? With the help of a few simple tools, you will learn how easily these shots can be taken.

October 29, 2005 (Saturday)
Studio Toolbox: 1:30pm - 4:30 pm Fee: $69.99 EDU 51326
This intensive three hour seminar will concentrate on various "tools" and how photographers can use them to enhance their work. Come prepared to learn and to add to your arsenal of studio "goodies" as Jean-Francois O'Kane works with a live model to illustrate how each of these tools can help your work.

Take both of these seminars (EDU 51325 and EDU 51326) for $119.99! EDU 51328

October 30, 2005 (Sunday)
Glamour and Figure Study Workshop:11am - 5 pm Fee: $199.99 EDU 51327 Building on the success of his last Glamour Photography seminar at Zeff Photo Supply, Jean-Francois will lecture on transitioning between glamour photography and figure study (nudes) and how they are intertwined. Discover how his 'Code of Conduct' can create ease for you and your subject.
*Bring your camera and plenty of memory cards and/or film.
*Photographer and model release agreements must be filled out and signed prior to the workshop.
*Participants must be over the age of 21.
*Space is limited - register now!

SPECIAL: Take all three with Jean-Francois for only $279.99! EDU 51329
Please call TOLL FREE at 1-888-465-7290

Please go to www.zeffphoto.com, then scroll down to'Booth Photographic presents Jean-Francois O'Kane for a Weekend of Lighting!' for date and time or to view some of Jean Francois's work, click www.odcphoto.com.

Added by Booth Photographic Ltd. on October 6, 2005