Since shopping early is a huge privilege, a Pre-Sale Pass is required for admission + a $5 cash donation (at the door) to the local food bank! We are also collecting for non-perishable food for your local food bank, please be generous!
Since we sell out of New Moms Passes at every sale, please make sure you qualify before reserving your pass! Thank you in advance!!! To attend our New Moms Pre-sale you must be......
Currently expecting OR
In the process of adopting/fostering your FIRST child, OR
Your oldest child is UNDER the age of one AND
Never attended ANY of our New Moms Pre-Sales before (we will be checking names on guest list - this is to be fair to all the new moms out there!!)
You may only register for ONE New Mom Pre-Sale location.
If you meet these qualifications, we would like to invite you to join us for our pre-view sale Thursday at 7:00 PM. If you already attended one of our pre-sales, you can still shop first by consigning or volunteering with us! Visit our website for more info!
Pre-sale passes are available to first 100 registered New Moms. Registered New Moms are allowed to bring one guest (this can be a husband, mom or girlfriend). Guest must enter the sale at the same time as the New Mom. Registered New Moms will receive an email confirmation which includes your Pre-Sale Pass to bring to the sale! (please do not sign up for more than one pass as your pass gets you and a guest into the sale!)
For more info: www.wee-cyclemart.com
See you at the sale!
The Wee-cycle Mart Team
Organized by BC Promotions, Inc.
Ticket Info: Ft. Meade New Mom Pass Spring 2009, Free
Official Website: http://ftmeadenewmoms-upcoming.eventbrite.com