Houston, Texas

Our mission is to give you the tools to be your company's SUPER Hero! Join us for an hour of killer content designed to set you up for a very successful year and outshine all expectations for your 2012 performance. Give us your hump day on February 8th, and we will give you over 20 techniques and ideas to put into action right away. Brent Williams of Multifamily Insiders, also known as the "Chief Insider", will be our moderator taking your questions for an unlimited session of question and answer time!

Join The Apartment All Stars and Multifamily Insiders on February 8th at 2pm ET (11am PT) to find your SUPER Powers!
> > Register Now! >>

Who Should Attend:
Owners, Regional Managers, Managers, Assistant Managers, Leasing Consultants and Maintenance

About The All Stars:
Inside of all of us there is a hero waiting to come out and overcome all challenges. For the All Stars, we call on the inner powers of "Lisa the Leasonator", "Mindy the Marvelous, your retention connection" and "Marketing Mate Kate"--otherwise known as Lisa Trosien, Mindy Williams, and Kate Good--for this first of its kind Super Webinar.

Added by Felicia Norman on January 30, 2012

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