Speakers and Topics
This meetup we’ll delve into processes: how we make things work.
Website Design and Development Processes
Singapore web standards pioneer Nick Pan (@nickpan) will be kicking off the session with a presentation on common methodologies used to bring concept through development and unto the launch of a website. Nick bring with him a huge amount of experience, and has traversed the journey to and from code monkey, entrepreneur and project manager.
This presentation will be an open one, so feel free to conjure up your own deck of slides and take the stage if you think your approach to web development is something you’d like to share with the rest of us.
Deconstructing MOE.gov.sg
Thanks to a request over Twitter, yours truly will try to give an insight on the learning experience of revamping the Ministry of Education’s website. It’ll be a glimpse of working within large organisations, and hopefully you’ll walk away with a few tips on how to deal with Galactica-sized setups.
See you guys there?
We’ll need to know how many are coming so we can get a bigger room if necessary. So drop a comment if you’ll come yah?
Official Website: http://websg.org/archives/2009/06/websg-meetup-process-1st-july.php
Added by yuhui on May 27, 2009