Andy Croll (@andycroll) will be speaking on “Where Websites Go Wrong”, covering commonplace mistakes made by websites. Andy blogs at Deepcalm and has done spectacular work on Singaporean websites such as Epicurious and Bezurk (now known as Wego).
Jon Peterson (@singeo) will be covering the in and outs of developing applications for the mobile platform. Jon has wowed many of us with his mad topographical skills on his blog Singeo, moved his mapping mojo to mobiles with iSingeo and most recently whetted our insatiable need for good food with the iPhone application buUuk.
We will also be having an open discussion on “What the Singapore Government could do better online”. While we encourage a spirited debate, there is a need to keep from becoming a slamming session (unless by slamming, you mean kickass, and by kickass, you mean awesome). So political tirades aside, let’s get cracking on how Singapore could move forward on making things happen.
Are you coming?
Due to the limited number of seats, I’d ask that you leave a comment below if you are coming. We’ll move to a larger room if necessary and available.
See you guys there.
Official Website:
Added by yuhui on April 3, 2009