1700 S El Camino Real
San Mateo, California 94402

Yes you read that right! Trustee sales are the single most dangerous way to buy real estate in San Mateo County, BUT they can also be the most profitable.

A trustee sale is a public, open auction of the Trust Deed (loan being foreclosed) due to a borrower’s non-payment of the loan payment. Trustee sales (sometimes called “buying on the courthouse steps”) can be very profitable for the buyer who is willing to accept the risks associated with buying them.

Bottom line – trustee sales are complex, complicated and considered by most experts to be a legal mine field. There is much more to learn and a lot more to know before you bid.

If you’re intrigued, sign up for this webinar with Raymond Stoklosa, Managing Broker and Co-Owner of The RayChel Realty Group in San Mateo.

Topics Raymond Will Cover:

• What is a trustee sale?
• Who should consider buying one
• What to expect when buying a trustee sale
• The risks associated with buying trustee sales

This program is free to attend and can be accessed from any computer with internet. Visit http://budurl.com/TrusteeSale to register.

Official Website: http://budurl.com/TrusteeSale

Added by raymond_stoklosa on October 16, 2009

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