Learn about the My PC Series; a Windows 7 based, completely free, hands-on, and jargon-free curriculum of computer classes developed by Microsoft that aims to make the challenge of providing basic computer training for adults a bit easier.
The webinar contains two sessions; A Program Overview and a Workshop Preview session. If you want to understand the research behind the program, what workshops are available, and what resources are offered for you and your staff - register for the Program Overview session. If you want to see the class content and how it is presented, the Workshop Preview session walks you through a few select topics from the curriculum. Both webinar sessions will be hosted and supported by Microsoft and are not hosted or supported by TechSoup. Register for the webinar sessions
Official Website: https://www142.livemeeting.com/lrs/microsoft1/Registration.aspx?pageName=pqk06tcn9bgngc8d
Added by TechSoup Talks on April 27, 2012