Please join the Milwaukee Web Design Meetup, Graphic Design Meetup and Web 414 on Thursday, December 11th at 7:00PM for a presentation/Q&A session by attorney Eido Walny of Gonzalez Saggio & Harlan LLP on basic concepts every freelancer/small business owner needs to be aware of to protect themselves legally. Topics of the presentation will include:
* Business entity selection/organization
* What to look for in agreements & contracts
* Tips to make sure you get paid
* Common legal pitfalls and how to avoid them
Presentation will take place at Bucketworks, located at 1340 N 6th St, Milwaukee, WI 53212. Please RSVP with ONE of the following groups so we can get a good headcount:
Web Design Meetup
Graphic Design Meetup
Official Website:
Added by Kevron on November 6, 2008