Building On Top Of Standards, Not Around Them technical director Kevin Yank explores some of the recent bright, new ideas in Web development that have used an established standard as the basis for something original and exciting.
Microformats -- simple, visible data formats built on HTML -- are the poster child for this movement, but the same thing is happening everywhere. The revival of DHTML under the heading of unobtrusive scripting, for example, uses JavaScript's standard syntax in unconventional, but ECMAScript-compliant ways. Meanwhile, on the server side, new ideas like AJAX request continuations in the Jetty 6 Java Web application server are being built on top of the J2EE standard.
Come along to see, with from-the-hip mini-tutorials and live demos, how each of these ideas has advanced the art and science of Web development without losing the benefits of Web standards.
This presentation is free, although we ask attendees to contribute $7 towards pizza and drinks.
More details here.
Added by mattymcg on November 2, 2005