Identity Management and SOA/Web 2.0
The speaker, Anjali Anagol-Subbarao, Chief Architect at Hewlett Packard, will present a case study describing the HP Customer Identity management system which has 100 applications using these services and serves over 35 million users growing at the rate of 1 million a month. Using this system HP has been able to decrease integration time for applications by 50% and save five million dollars a year. We will share some best practices and practical tips to creating SOA-based shared identity services. The HP Customer Identity Management functionality is used to register, authenticate and authorize HP customers and enable single sign-on for these customers when they access multiple HP sites. The speaker has worked in the industry for 14 years, is the author of a book on SOA/Web and has four patents pending in Web services. For further details, see
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Added by FullCalendar on May 6, 2007