Web Services for your Widgets and Gadgets
Gadget/Widget platforms like, Google Desktop, Apple Dashboard, and Yahoo! Widget Engine are a natural fit for using web services from third parties like eBay, because gadgets are great for monitoring the status of ever-changing data, such as the eBay marketplace. However, there are unique challenges that you will need to overcome in order to use web services in your gadget, such as security constraints, authentication, data overload, and more. This session will discuss how to use web services within and similar platforms, and will dive in to some real-world examples of gadgets/widgets that use third-party web services.
About the Presenter, Alan Lewis
Alan Lewis is a technical evangelist in the eBay Developers Program. He works with third parties who want to use the eBay Web Services platform to develop applications that help users sell, search, and buy on eBay. Alan has a BA in philosophy from University of California, Santa Barbara. He blogs at
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Added by FullCalendar on April 4, 2006