£395 + VAT for E-consultancy subscribers
£495 + VAT for non-subscribers
Who is the course for?
This course is for you if:
You are a Web manager or marketer and you want to find out how project management tools and techniques can help you deliver web projects on brief, on time and on budget
You are a project manager looking for ways to achieve greater business benefit and flexibility without sacrificing control in your web projects
Your web projects are increasing in size and complexity and you are looking for ways to manage your resource more effectively.
How will I benefit?
After attending this course, you will be able to:
- Know what makes web projects successful, and what causes them to fail
- Appreciate the different methods for managing projects and when to apply them
- Define the objectives of your web project and gain the right level of buy in and support from the rest of your organisation
- Ensure your projects deliver tangible benefit to your business over shorter timescales
- Estimate, prioritise and manage tasks and timescales more effectively
- Use project management tools to monitor and manage the risks to your project
- Bring your projects in on time and on budget
- Introduce a continuous cycle of learning into your project team
What will I learn?
Introduction to Project Management
• What is Project Management?
• Why Projects Go Wrong?
• What’s Different About Web Projects?
Project Management Overview
• Traditional/Waterfall
• Agile
• Incremental Delivery
Managing Web Projects
• Getting Started – defining the project and scope, prioritising and estimating features
• Delivering in increments - planning and managing delivery, tools for managing and communicating progress
• Deployment
• Quality – test first approach
• Risks
About our trainer
Denis Howlett has been a project manager in the software industry for over 20 years. In that time he has worked for both large and small companies. He has provided consultancy and training to companies such as LogicaCMG, British Airways, HSBC, SpecSavers and the Swiss Stock Exchange. He has co-founded two companies, KnowledgeBench Ltd in 2003 and Isocra Ltd in 1998.
Denis has experience of managing and building many different kinds of web-based system, from company websites and photo galleries to intranets requiring on-demand graphing, timesheet input and database integration.
Denis is a consultant for IndigoBlue, who's programme and project management services enable organisations to significantly improve their ability to deliver IT projects: reducing cost, raising quality and ultimately meeting and exceeding their customers' needs and expectations. Indigo Blue assist organisations in the introduction of Agile management processes, or in the improvement of their existing processes through the pragmatic application of Agile techniques
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Added by training on March 1, 2007