4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100
Arlington, Virginia 22203-1606

How Do You Measure the Success of Social Media

With Moderators:
John Bell, Managing Director- Ogilvy PR Worldwide, DC
Pierre Wielezynski, Communications Officer-Online Outreach, The World Bank

No matter how new the world of social media is, business leaders must know the measurable benefits of getting involved. How can new strategies around blogs, search, wikis, social networks and new Web 2.0 services pay off for the organization? And what is the distinction between these digital strategies and the larger field of word-of-mouth marketing?

New and old models for measurement exist .There are measurement models from"simple" web metrics to the Net Promoter Score. A collection of promising monitoring services help collect useful data from the deluge. And can we measure "engagement" vs. impressions?

Blog "conversations" can be monitored for share-of-voice, tonality, brand mentions and more. Third party content supportive of your brand or issue can strengthen Google search results. Clever Web 2.0 applications allow you to create new, relevant services for customers and constituents engaging them deeper. And at the end of the day, we need to report success.

In this session, you will leave with practical answers for:

  • What are the options for measuring the success of social media initiatives?

  • What's in the works?

  • What are some simple (low cost) things you can do to see what people are saying?

  • What can you do now to benchmark, monitor and report performance of blogs, blog outreach, Web 2.0 applications?

  • How can Word-of-mouth be measured?

  • How can you assess the impact of your social media efforts when trying to influence policy?

  • Where is that one page report the CEO/Director/President needs?

Business Attire

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Added by JodyAgIII on April 26, 2007