Experts in Advertising, User Experience and Design, Analytics and Social Media will instruct individuals and businesses on the fundamentals of online promotion, marketing and advertising. Participants will learn how to harness the power of Search Engine Optimization, Google Analytics, Facebook, and a variety of Page Ranking and Web Analysis tools to help optimize and drive traffic to their websites.
This is the first in a series of hands-on Continuing Education courses to be offered at the Centre for Digital Media, home of the successful Masters of Digital Media Program. Register early for this intensive and intimate workshop as space is limited.
Full Workshop: $595 (includes food and refreshments Friday evening sessions and a networking catered lunch on Saturday)
Individual Session*: $185 each session (individual sessions available after October 17, 2008)
Special Offer: Industry Association members receive 10% off when registering for the full workshop
*Individual Sessions will be offered if spots are available, opened Oct 17th.
Official Website:
Added by meganlawriecole on October 15, 2008