4520 N Beacon St
Chicago, Illinois 60640

Taking your business online can add to your business's growth, giving you greater exposure and allowing you to sell your products to customers in far-reaching areas. Come to this workshop for an introduction by LaShon Anthony on how to take your business presence online. This workshop is FREE and funded in part through cooperative agreements with the SBA, Illinois DCEO, and the City's Dept. of Planning & Development. To RSVP, contact Curt Roeschley at 773-561-3500, ext. 215 or email croeschley@hullhouse.org to reserve your seat.

Jane Addams Hull House Association provides child care, domestic violence counseling and prevention, economic development, family services, job training, literacy training, senior services, foster care, independent living, and housing assistance for 60,000 children, families and community members each year in communities in and around Chicago. Hull House Association also advocates for social and public policy reforms and initiatives that impact the lives of the men, women, and children in the communities they serve.

LaShon Anthony is a Marketing Consultant for small businesses and non-profits. Ms. Anthony's experience includes web site management, PR, graphic design, communications, and computer training. She also provides links for resources and internet marketing tips on her web site - www.visuals4u.com.

Official Website: http://hullhouse.org/calendar/event_view.php?event_id=184

Added by web4u on July 8, 2009

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