Web Analytics Wednesday is the free monthly networking event for all members of the web analytics community: practitioners, consultants, vendors, upstarts and curious onlookers.
Meet web analysts from far and wide at this special Web Analytics Wednesday on Tuesday (yes Tuesday) held in conjunction with the X Change Conference. Drinks, snacks and surprise giveaways provided by our fine sponsors, Unica and SiteSpect.
This event is free and open to the public. We have reserved the entire venue for our event. The bar entrance is on a tiny alley near the intersection of Sutter and Grant in the Financial District. It is 3 blocks away from X Change.
RSVP on our official site at: http://www.webanalyticsdemystified.com/wednesday/index.asp?event_id=2594
Official Website: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/waw_bayarea/
Added by jdersh on July 17, 2008